Here's a ridiculous site that a friend of mine showed me today:
It's pretty simple. There's only a two-question quiz there. Here's what happens:
QUESTION #1: "Do you think all human beings are equal?"
- If you ANSWER "YES": It moves on to question #2
- If you ANSWER "NO":You're taken to the first article of UN's "Declaration of Human Rights" which says "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood."
QUESTION #2: "Do you think women are human beings?"
- If you ANSWER "NO": You are taken to the Wikipedia page for "Women"
- If you ANSWER "YES": You are then congratulated for being a feminist. The End.
There's so much wrong with this, I don't know where to begin. Let's start at the top.
Isn't the whole central doctrine of feminism, the idea that human beings are NOT currently all equal? Namely, the idea that women are getting the short end of the stick for being women? It would seem to me then that a feminist would answer the first question with "No". If human beings are already all equal, then there'd be no point in a feminist movement.
Notice also the different between the first question and the first link. The question asks if you think all humans ARE equal. The UN article declares that humans are BORN equal. There's a difference between equal oportunity ("born equal") and equal outcome ("are equal"). You can be in favor of equal opportunity for humans regardless of sex, race, class, etc. while also acknowledging that some humans just end up more successful in life than others. This can happen whether or not you philosophically align yourself with egalitarianism or meritocracy.
Also, if you're trying to make an argument for feminism, why would you link to a document that says people "should act towards one another in a spirit of BROTHERHOOD"?
As for the second quiz question, I'm sure they put it there just to humor themselves. Not even the most fiercely misogynistic person would answer "no" to this. Hell, I don't think even Saint Augustine would have answered "no". In fact if you take the two "correct" answers as logical premises, they become "women are humans" and "all humans are equal", which means the logical conclusion is "all women are equal". This would mean of course that if you believed all women are equally inferior and should be human slaves, then you too would fit their definition of a feminist!
Fail. Next website.