As I've mentioned before, clutter can take on digital forms as well. Recently I decided to take a look at one of those big digital clutter magnets: the desktop. No, not a physical desktop. I mean the desktop of your computer's operating system.
I would not be the least bit surprised if most pack rats, by far and large, have lots of shortcuts, files, and folders cluttering up their computer's desktop. The reason I suspect this is because I suspect the underlying mentality is the same: a lot of instances of "I'll get around to this later" or "I need to see this or I'll forget about it", or some combination.
Here were some of the recent icons I deleted from the ol' desktop:
- A picture I edited in MS Paint to point out some details to somebody, on some discussion on some message board last year.
- Dead website shortcuts
- Some .m3u playlist file. Who the heck even uses these?
- An executable for a Firefox upgrade. I think I used this to install my current version after I had to do a restore.
- An empty folder. Go figure!
- Shorcuts that I already have in my Start menu.
- Notes from my attempt to check up on this telemarketing scam who keeps calling me. It's always on my land line and never when I'm home. Unfortunately, I don't have the exact times they call, which means I can't fully file a complaint with the FCC. So there's no need for this little text file on my desktop.
- A text file where I was keeping some comments I was planning on posting in response to arguments I was having on YouTube 3 years ago. It's certainly not worth trying to look these up again.
- A list of stuff I was meaning to mail out...including a set of photos I was going to give to a friend who died earlier this year. These are the extreme types of clutter costs that REALLY piss me off. I don't even want to go into details here. 'nuff said.