On the subject of containers-as-clutter:
- Baby food jars. Fortunately I only had one of these, and it was saved by my wife for something which I don't even remember now (no, not baby food). But I'm sure there are parents with several hundreds of these around the house. Maybe there IS somebody who can make great use of these, but if it's not you, then get them into the right hands before you end up tripping over them.
- Dish scrubber. OK, not a container of sorts, but I'm mentioning it here because it was in the same photo. Great litle invention, but unfortunately this one was always leaking. I'm stickin' with the pads.
- Tupperware™ tops without corresponding bottoms. You have some of these in your home too, don't you? I guess they're to hold on to in the rare chance that something happens to one of the other tops, and you need a replacement. Of course, they won't always fit. Yes, clean plastic can still be clutter and ready to be thrown out. If the guilt you feel for throwing them out is that bad, then take them to the thrift shop.