Where was I? Oh yeah. More oddities of mine found in the corner of my living room.
- Rotting headphones. Just when I thought I got rid of all my extra pairs of headphones, I come across another pair. I guess this shouldn't be surprising, considering how many portable electronic devices I've bought in a lifetime, and how they all come with a cheap pair of headphones. I don't know what exactly makes sponge crumble to dust, but it has happened. You can see the amassed pile of black stuff in the lower right corner of the blue tray. Does this cheap pair of headphones still work? Do I care? Off to the thrift store you go.
- Spiral from notebooks. Another item which I knew I had several of, and thought that I had already gotten rid of. Why do I have these? Well some time ago, a few single-subject notebooks ended up in my hands as school supplies. I can't remember where I bought them, but I know I didn't buy them myself, because I've always stuck with loose-leaf notebooks ever since 8th grade. So I carefully unwound the spiral from the notebooks, and popped the paper into my loose-leaf binder. This left me with two pieces of cardboard and a spiral of wire. Of course I could end up using this for something, right? Like those aluminum wire sculptures we did back in art class for the papier mâché statues? Well I'm sure it sounded good at the time. But the reality is that if I haven't used these in 20 years, chances are good that I'll never get around to using them soon. Into the trash you go.
- Tab labels for section separators for the loose-leaf notebook. Of course, if you're going to put all of your subjects into the same binder, you'll need those big tabbed sheets to separate each section. I found a tiny sheet that was perforated into 5 tear-off little cards, that you'd label and shove into these tabs. And they're about as useful now as those spirals of wire. Into the trash you go.
- Zip-up pencil case for a loose leaf notebook. Geez, will the loose-leaf forever haunt me? These used to get beat up a lot so that by the end of the year, you were ready to get a new case. But I guess I held on to this one without using it. Well, I'm not in school anymore. But I could see a use for this, namely as a place to store CDs and put them with some of the other loose-leafs I have from work. Which I'll go do now. Hey, at least it's off the floor.
- Small photo album. Ah ha, score! Only had about 4 photos from 1993-95, but still, sentimental photos of me that I thought I had lost. I move this over to the shelf with the rest of my photos.
- Instructions/solutions to a few puzzles I own. I don't mean jigsaw puzzles. I mean one of those big brain teaser puzzles with the giant pieces of metal linked together, and other one that's electronic. If these are worth keeping, then they're worth keeping in one place that makes sense. I moved these over to my file cabinet, into the folder where I keep the manuals for other stuff like my DVD player.