One of my odd pet peeves is misuse of the word "ironic", which was abundant back in the 90s. That's something I've already ranted about. So trust me when I say this is a "tragic irony", I'm not using the term lightly.
In cleaning out my bookshelf (see yesterday's entry) I found some articles I printed regarding clutter clean-up. Yes, I took an article on clutter clean-up, but instead of cleaning it, I stowed it away as part of my clutter.
Here's the first article:
Yeah yeah I know, it's from "O" magazine. So not surprisingly it's written by some soccer mom who hardly refrains from painting her husband as some 1-dimensional character, and makes plenty of jabs at him. Plus moments of crying, and professional PC sounding titles like "home space orchestrator" and "house therapist" thrown in for good measure. Still, there's some good stuff to be extracted from it.
The second article isn't anecdotal, and instead has a lot of practical advice from different people. This is something I'm sure I'll be quoting here and there in the future: