A few brief updates:
- My new set of 4-disc DVD cases arrived. I moved about 75 discs into them. Ugh. Finally done!
- Meanwhile I dubbed a few more hidden VHS tapes I had lying about, over to DVD. This time, some James Burke. I can't get enough James Burke. I got to meet him when he came to my college back in the day. He autographed photo hangs on my wall.
- I also finished moving more photos into a new album. Another long, tedious, pain-in-the-ass process. But finally done.
- I tried looking through my huge box of "Items for Ebay" in my hallway, and writing a list with everything under some type of category. Man, I have a lot of crap to sell. It's not always as simple as just putting the auctions up. I have to think of the best way to pair what item with what other items, what to use for a price on that, etc. This could be a while.