I went back to work on the clutter in my kitchen. I moved more stuff to other rooms and closets. And I put back the folding table that I had taken down 2 years ago so I could use it in October 2008 and October 2007 (maybe even earlier than that). With the table back up, I just moved boxes from the floor on top of the table.
Yes I know this doesn't get rid of stuff, it just moves it a few feet up off the ground. But clutter-wise, not being on the floor is better than being on the floor, since floors do have to be cleaned once in a while.
So I did it and...damn, still not enough. I still had a box remaining on the floor. And no, the solution is not to get another table. The solution is to go through and try to eliminate a box or two that's still in the room.
Like I said last time about decluttering the kitchen: slowly, but surely.