Getting ready for my T-day trip, I've been trying to find gifts that I that bought over a month ago and somehow knew I'd be hunting to find at the last minute. Guess I'm clairvoyant.
Naturally, along the way I found some junk to deal with. Every little bit counts.
- Crappy photos of me. I'm not talking about photos that didn't get my good side. I'm talking about photos that are just plain defective. Some time ago my mother sent me two photos of me from a few Xmases ago. I'm posed differently in both photos in two completely different places, yet in both photos, there is some strange white string going over my face, as if somebody was swinging around a sparkler in the same photo. I still don't know what caused this. Is this evidence of ghosts? No, it's evidence of a crappy photo. My mother found it amusing enough to send to me. But I really have no use for these.
- Birthday cards. Gee, I guess I wasn't exclusively keeping these on the top of my fridge after all.
- Restaurant menus. Damn, more of these floating around too. Into the file you go.
- Car-related coupons. And not expired! Might as well stick these all together somewhere.
- Numerous catalogs and newsletters. Trader Joe's, Aldo shoes,, Staples, and other places where I shouldn't be spending a lot of money at the moment. The alumni publication from my college is the worst. I can't stand it. It just screams "Here are all these other people who graduated from the same school as you, but are doing things in the engineering world that are one hundred times more fun than what you're doing!"
- Printed directions from Yahoo/Google Maps. I think I had no less than 20 of these sheets piling up in the back seat of my car. And most of them for places that I'll never go to again in the near future, if ever again. Looks like my recycle bin just got heavier.
- Printed article from the web. And a really long one too. But like the directions, I know what site I can go to, should I want to read it again.
- Expired coupons. Do I even have to give these a second thought?
- Printed/written Led Zeppelin chord charts & lyrics for stuff I did in my last band. No sense in keeping these around.
- Flight Info for a flight from last year. Into the shredder, I guess.