Here is some of what I've been up to lately. Or at least the stuff I feel like mentioning.
- Got rid of the floppies. After running the ad on Craigslist a second time, somebody finally responded and (after a bit of a run-around) finally picked them up. Yay!
- Car maintenance. Car mechanics and dealerships are notorious for ripping people off. The good news though is that if you search your friends and friends-of-friends, you're bound to find at least one mechanic who can do freelance work for you. And that's what I did this time. He took a look at my car to diagnose my problem, told me what parts I needed to buy at the local auto parts store, and did the work (in the pouring rain, no less) for ridiculously cheap. Given the sad state of the economy, I'd say this is a win-win situation: not only are YOU saving money, but I'm sure there are people with mechanical skills out there who may be all to eager to make a direct buck with somebody.
- Saw Couples Retreat today. Typically I hate "romantic comedies", but this was actually not a bad flick at all. Though one of the previews I caught was for A Serious Man, which looks damn interesting.
- Bought the new Richard Dawkins book. I've always had some mixed feelings about his writings. Sometimes I think the content of his books come in an odd order, where entire chapters seem like odd tangents. But when he does get to that point of taking an otherwise complicated subject in biology and nailing its description in layman's terms, it's incredible. So far I think it's still an enjoyable read. It does blow my mind that there are still full grown adults in the 21st century who claim to not "believe" in evolution. Of course, when you try to talk with them on the issue, you realize really quick that they're quite clueless on the subject (some of them don't even know 8th grade stuff, like the difference between a hypothesis and a theory), and base their "disbelief" on ridiculous misconceptions. Ron White said that you can't fix stupid. But I do applaud Dawkins' efforts for at least trying.
- It snowed today! I like having all four seasons, but not in the same month. Snow before Halloween is just too weird.
- My friend Michael sent me the links to this extensive (3+ hour) interview with George Carlin. I'd seen some of it, but certainly not all of it before.