I have spent several hours over the last few days straightening out the many boxes of papers in my kitchen, and at the same time, organizing my files. So over the last few days, my kitchen has looked like this:
And after seeing this photo, it dawns on me that I didn't take that crappy electric broom vac to the thrift store the day before. Damnit, I KNEW I was forgetting something!
First, a recap. As you might recall, I have tons of stuff piled up in my kitchen, especially paper items (see the July blog entry on my kitchen, which includes an embarrassing photo.) By "paper items", I pretty much mean saved seven years worth of stuff like utility bill letters, phone bill statements, bank statements, credit card statements and receipts, work payment stubs, and so on. I also recently mentioned cleaning out my file cabinet in my bedroom, and getting this straightened out.
My Dad is the paper-organizing KING. I wouldn't be surprised if tucked away in some file cabinet, he has a documented folder called "Bill's birth", complete with not only my birth certificate but any related hospital paperwork taken home that day. He is not, however, a packrat. Never has been. Somehow he's manage to find the balance between the two. I'm sure having more file cabinet space has a lot to do with it, but that's not the only explanation. Looking my my parents' home compared to my home, the clutter levels couldn't be more different. There's still some selective process going on.
So I called up my Dad for some advice. He said that unless it's ultimately related to something that you can put down in your taxes (bank statements, work stubs, car payments, etc.), you can usually just throw it out. When it comes to other stuff, it might not hurt to hold on to stuff from the last 3 years, but 7 years is needlessly long.
Taking his advice, I proceed to go through ALL of those past stubs I saved from my heating bill, electric bill, phone bill, phone card, student loans, health benefits, 401k, benefit stuff from past jobs, and other oddities I could find. There I sat on that stool, going trough boxes of these things to sort, shred, or file away.
The shredder got jammed about half a dozen times. I had to unplug the thing, and work on it with tweezers and vice grips. But then it would work again. I filled up 6 of those wastebasket bags. I also filled up my big recycling bin. Once nice thing about this shredder is that it shreds credit cards too. Besides a few old credit cards, I also shredded old cards from health plans and dental plans.
I did however save all of my credit card and bank statements. By the way, every month when I receive these, here is exactly what I do:
- I pull out all of my receipts from my wallet
- Check to see if everything balances out (If it's a credit card statement, then I check to make sure I have a receipt for every charge that's on there. If it's a bank statement, then I check it against my checkbook record. When I do on-line purchases, I'll write a note about it on a little slip of paper and put in my wallet with the other receipts.)
- I fold up the pages of the statement, with my related receipts in the middle.
- I either put the folded pages into an envelope, or staple the sides closed so that the receipts won't slip out.
- Finally, I put the date range on the outside of the envelope and file it away.
Over the years though I've acquired a lot of old receipts that I forgot to put in one envelope or another. I went through the small stack of these things and put them all in their proper place. When that was all done, I put all of the old statements in a box and put them upstairs in my storage closet.
Anyway, here are the final results. ALL of these little papers now in my kitchen have either been shredded, filed away properly in the filing cabinet, or are in a small box of "current" items (e.g., my credit card and bank statements from the past 6 months). When I get enough of those "current" items to fill the little box, I'll either shred them or move them into the storage. The filing cabinet has been straightened out, the papers in the kitchen have been straightened out, many things have been thrown away, and I can see more of my kitchen floor than ever before.
I'll have a few more things to take care of in the kitchen, before I'm confident in taking an "after" photo to compare with the July's "before" photo.
And much of an accomplishment as this was, believe me, I've got plenty more to go. This blog isn't ending any time soon.