As I've said before, I do have some desired means of getting rid of stuff as far as sales go. If it looks like I can sell it on eBay, great. If it's too big for eBay or I'd just like to get rid of it without shipping, then I go to And if it seems that there's no other way to get rid of something, then, and only then, do I resort to donating the items to the thrift store for a tax write-off.
Here's what I'm happy to finally get rid of, once and for all.
- Computer speakers. They're not powered, so although they worked well with my old computer back in the day, they don't really work well now. You could conceivably plug them into an iPod. You could incorporate them into some other audio project. But in all honestly, they've just been collecting dust. Time to give up on these once and for all.
- Electric fan. This was a nice little fan I'd use at work. It clipped on to the desk. At some point the clip broke, making it really hard to clip on to anything anymore. And I got a much more powerful fan, which I've been using. So why do I have this again? I don't know.
- Set of 8 black dinner dishes, 8 small octagon dishes, and 8 octagon bowls. In my previous clutter adventures, I mentioned these. And I finally found the box. By cabinet's already full, and I don't feel like cleaning these for replacement. So, the hell with it. One less box of dust on my kitchen floor.
- 2 jigsaw puzzles. One of these was an alien puzzle, unopened in its original box. The other was a Star Trek puzzle, which came in a metal drum canister. I tried selling them. I don't know any kids. I don't know anybody who'd want them. Time to get rid of them once and for all.
- Vintage audio speaker. This was a small, wooden-cased, 70s-style looking speaker that had a single RCA cable jack in the back. I think I got this from a flea market once. Like the computer speakers, I really have no use for it.
- No-slip rubber sheet for rugs. This is a sheet of rubber that you put in between the floor and your rug (not wall-to-wall carpeting, but a throw rug or oriental rug, etc.), so that the rug won't slip. I bought this from a carpet store downtown. I've never opened it. There's a lot of square footage of it too; it's about the size of a pillow. But I've still never used it, and I don't see myself using it any time soon. Into the bin you go.
- Goggles. I had several pairs of these from college, back when I was a chemical engineering major. I also used them albeit rarely at my last job, which had a lab. I'm going to take a gamble and just get rid of these.
- Bronze unicorn ashtray. Mentioned in my previous clutter combat entry. Bye-bye, Uni!
- White t-shirt from some company I worked for. Another one of these stupid promo things. Let somebody else wear it.
- Answering machine. Found in the top of my closet. I used this in college. But really, who doesn't have digital voice mail these days? Never mind the fact that I got rid of my land line a long time ago.
- Caller ID box. Also from the top of my closet. And similarly, no need for it.
- Phone cables. Some of these haven't even been opened from the package. I've acquired these over the years because they usually came with telephones, computers, answering machines, and other devices bought over the years. I also bought some new ones when I thought I was having problems with bad cables, only to find out the problem was with the cables in the wall. But once again, no need for 'em.
- Pot lid. To a pot that I already threw out. Too small for any of the other ones I have. So, what the hell...throw it in the box.