So here's what I ended up bringing to the thrift store. Not surprisingly, I ended up grabbing more stuff on the way out as I was making the pile.
For some reason, the photo makes everything look smaller.
The green cooler is about a foot tall.
The green cooler is about a foot tall.
- 25 CDs. These include the ones that the local CD store wouldn't take. Most of these were just given to me for free. They're promos for garage bands, or promo discs handed to me after a night at a club. I sure as hell ain't gonna get around to listening to these. And to think, they'll now find their way to the shelves of the thrift store. I'm amused at the thought though of some Catholic lady with 8 kids who barely speaks any English, stumbling across some death metal CD with an inverted cross on the cover.
- Camera. This was a 110 film camera that I actually got from Kraft. I saved the box tops and mailed away for it. Never used it. At first I thought about giving it to a kid, but in the day and age of digital cameras (never mind the task of finding 110 speed film), it would probably just frustrate the kid that he or she didn't have one of those fancy cameras that show you the preview, like other people had. Into the box you go.
- 2 Hardhats. A while back I bought an "energy dome" (read: a Devo hat) and they suggested getting a hardhat liner to put inside, so that the hat stayed on properly. I looked at Home Depot and couldn't find any separate liners for sale, so I just bought a hardhat and used the liner. I gave away that energy dome as a gift, then did the same with a second one. Once again, I ended up buying a hard hat just to use the liner. So, this has left me with two professional construction hardhats that I had no use for. I considered putting these on Craigslist, but figured the hell with it -- off to the thrift store.
- Desk lamp. This little desk lamp with a mini lyre used to sit on the piano in the house I grew up in. It was probably much older than that. At some point I had this thing stowed away in a box, which I had when I was still living at my parents house, and for some reason still had with me. Nice little thing, but no use for it. Into the pile you go.
- The Coleman. See one of the last few blogs where I talked about this green beastly thing. Actually, you can see it in the photo. [UPDATE: I went into the thrift store the next day and saw the Coleman there for $2.99. Heh.]
- Brita pitcher. Again, see recent blogs.
- Strainer. See the recent "under the kitchen sink" blog, particularly about the rusted pot. This came with it. It was new! But still useless.
- 4 pairs of shoes. One very worn-out pair that I bought some time in 1999 and haven't worn in years, another pair whose soles somehow got messed up and non-parallel with the ground. Another old pair covered with paint splatterings. A third pair that was a pair of snow books I have the damn hardest time getting on (I swear they're a half size smaller than my real size). Then I found the fourth pair (back of the heels inside well worn into uncomfortability) in my trunk as I was loading the rest of this stuff. And the scary thing is, this STILL leaves me with more pairs of shoes than my lady friend has. Shouldn't it be the other way around?
- Clothes, clothes, clothes! 7 pairs of shorts, 1 unusual pair of socks, 3 pairs of too-tight briefs, 3 pairs of pants, 20(!) shirts, and a sweater with a weird neck. And this isn't even counting the other 20 shirts I plan on selling on-line.