Some oddities lying in a short box behind my couch.
- Padlock from high school. I went to a private high school and we were required to buy our own padlocks. Actually, we ended up buying two: one for the main locker, and one for gym class. Not only that, but they had to be bought from the school, because these particular combination locks had a keyhole in the back so that the administration could, if need(?) be, open your locker and search it. Granted I do have a very good long term member, especially for numbers. For example, I can still remember the room number of the hotel room I stayed at when I was first went to Florida at the age of 4 (it was #209). But the combination I dialed in every day at high school is a bit fuzzy. 14, 29, something? I think?
I remember reading YEARS ago on alt.locksmithing's FAQ there was a way of determining the combination from the serial number on the back, or at least some way to astronomically narrow the possibilities down. Unfortunately, all copies I've seen of it since then, don't have the details. I might as well just throw this out. It's not like I still have a locker or a bicycle.
- Spirals from spiral notebooks. If I remember correctly, I was given a bunch of single-subject notebooks from one of my parents at the start of some school year, who were unaware of the fact that I did everything through a 3-ring binder. That way, I could order pages however I wanted, insert new pages in between two written pages, easily take things out with getting the rips down the side, etc. So I carefully twisted the coils until they weaved themselves out of binding (but still intact), then used the paper to fill my binder. The cardboard laid around near my bureau for years until I think I finally threw it out.
So why do I still have these coils of wire? Creative art project that isn't going to happen? Maybe I should use them to pick my lock. Or, just throw them away along with the lock.
- Fan blade. This is a thin aluminum fan blade. Maybe it was from a big computer. Or an air conditioner. Or a refrigerator. Who knows. It will forever be a mystery. A mystery not as deep of course, as why I still have the damn thing.
- Headphones. I probably have several more pairs of these lying around. I was an avid walkman listener when I was a kid. Eventually a walkman would bust and I'd get a new one, which of course came with headphones. There were probably other devices I've bought over the years that came with headphones. And always the cheap variety, of course. The "cat's toy", as one audiophile I knew put it. These ones didn't even have the sponge coverings. Do they still work? Do I care? Into the trash you go. But don't worry, you can talk about metal with the "metal fan" you'll find in the trash too.
- Bag of many many tea lights. You know, those short little white candles, snugly nestled in a metal cup. I can't remember how I got these. I do use candles once in a while, but not these types. I think I'll give them to my friend who owns an occult shop, when I see her tomorrow.
- Jar stuffed with...plastic bags? Yes, a small decorative glass jar, stuffed with plastic shopping bags. I've had this thing since high school. I'll at least give it the dignity of removing the bags and sticking it in one of my mostly empty cabinets. I'm sure I can wash it, fill it with M&Ms and give it to somebody as a gift. Yes, I'll admit that I'm still weak when it comes down to throwing away glass objects. But at least it will be off my living room floor.
No, wait a minute, it's not just stuffed with plastic bags. Its a plastic bag filled with...seashells! I don't know about you people living in other parts of the country, especially the mid-west, but here in New England seashells are a dime a dozen. We don't know what to do with them all. I threw out the broken ones and put the rest on my window sill. I like 'em. I like the sea. I'm a New Englander. I'm a Pisces. Though if they stop giving me joy here on the window sill a month from now, then out they go.
- A bag of 26 plastic caps. Oddly enough, the same exact diameter as the pad lock. I do remember where these came from. They're the caps from those huge jugs of water for a water cooler. Though I can't remember if these were from work, or the home (yes, growing up in suburbia, we did have a water cooler of spring water in the kitchen. Visitors loved it.). I guess I was saving these for my own game of checkers? Or Othello? Or, how about I just throw them away without regrets?
- Thunderbolt Tube box. The box to one of my doo-dads. Not needed. Pitch.
- Tasmanian Devil. The "Taz" was my fraternity's mascot. So not surprisingly, I ended up with a couple of these back in the day as gifts. I already sold two of them last year on eBay. I didn't realize I had a third one lingering in my apartment. I'm throwing this one on-line, along with a stuffed Homer Simpson and maybe the Kermit the Frog (the latter seen in one of my recent blogs).